Thursday, October 1, 2009

Funding Conversion!

Excellent responses to the conversion posting!!!! It's awesome that you are contacting us and asking questions.

Q: If my son/daughter does not have medicaid, what should I do?
A: Apply. (*unless you have the means to private pay)

Q: If my son/daughter has medicaid, are we taken care of?
A: NO, having Medicaid is the first step to several steps of the waver process. Get a copy of an updated card on file just to make sure we're all up to date.

Q: If my son/daughter lives in a CILA group home, do they need to go though this waiver process?
A: No, the CILA funding covers Bridges programming.

Q: If my son/daughter has HOMEBASED funding, do they need to go through his waiver process?
A: No, the HOMEBASED funding covers Bridges programming.

Q: What is the next step after having Medicaid?
A: You son/daughter will need to be assessed by O&A (Options & Advocacy). They are the over site agency that will determine if you individual is in need of Active treatment. They will also assit with on getting on the PUNS list if you are not already.

Q: What other steps are there for this conversion?
A: Each individual will need an updated psychological evaluation on file(that means not over 5 years old). We will assist in connecting you with that service. If you happen to have one lying around, SEND IT IN!

Q: Yikes, I can't make the meeting on the 7th.
A: Trust us, we want to serve as many people as we can with this conversion. We will be working with everyone individually as well to get this process completed.

Q: I hate sitting around, what else can I do?
A: Continue to follow up on funding issues and continue to be active in advocating for services. This isn't just about the Bridges program, but all of those in Pioneer Central not already on the Medicaid Wavier Developmental Training Program.

Q: How can I learn more?
A: Call or Email Rachel. Attend the meeting on October 7th at the SHAW center.

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