Back in December we posted about the new County Transportation service!!!Please know this is an expansion of service, it is not replacing any current existing service. It is a pilot program between several cities, townships, and organizations in the County – and hopefully will expand in the future. You will not be losing any current level of service. What this expansion does is enable transportation between cities – like Woodstock to McHenry – which Dial-A-Ride currently cannot offer. There is also an expansion on weekend and evening hours. It simply gives more opportunities for everyone.
Some FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions
When Does Service Start? Service begins on February 13, 2010. How much? All one-way trips on this new service are $3.00. There are no discounted fares. What time? Take trips between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Will my existing dial-a ride service change? Existing services will remain the same. This is a new, expanded service and does not change existing dial-a-ride services in Crystal Lake, McHenry, Woodstock and McHenry Township.
How do I sign up? To use this service, you must register.
GO TO: to register.
Call Sarah Lutz at 815-334-4985 with questions about registration or the service.
For questions or comments about this service, call 815-334-4985. Please leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. An online form is also available. Click here to access the online contact form.